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High Chrome Grinding Media

Release time:2021-10-19

High Chrome Grinding Media

Using of Chrome Alloy Grinding Media to Liberate valuable minerals prior to flotation is became a common practice in modern mining plants, since High Chrome grinding Media has been used now proves economical on wear basis , the outcome  is remarakable with positive Changes in pulp chemistry ,throughout the circuit accompanied by marked improvements in copper, gold ,or zinc grades and recoveries , also reducing the dosage of reagent rates by more than half and consumption and the grinding media wear rate dropped to less than a third of wear rate of the forged steel balls

The users ,enjoyed a total increase of revenue and savings from metallurgical improvement and reagent also media consumptio reductions,  the metallurgical improvements 70%and reagent by25%. Obeviously that grinding media cost saving in not the only targeted benifites but it has impact on mineral or metal extractuion .

Cr 12% Grinding Balls High Chrome Grinding Media

Service Hotline

+86 18756355533

Betty 86 158 5636 2791

Star  86 18756355533

Address: Heli Industrial Zone, Ningguo City, Xuancheng, Anhui Province, China.


molding line

metal mold

heat treatment furnace

grinding media

Ball Production Ancillary Facility


Induction Furnace


Ningguo Dexin New Material Co., Ltd. all rights reserved  辰光云统计平台