This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking and transportation of chromium alloy cast iron grinding balls and nodular cast iron grinding balls This standard applies to metallurgy, power, building materials, and chemical industries, used for grinding and grinding ore, coal, and cement and other related materials chromium alloy cast iron grinding ball and ductile iron grinding ball production line.
The terms in the following documents become the terms of this standard by reference. All subsequent amendments (excluding corrigendum) or revisions to dated references do not apply to this standard. However, parties to an agreement under this standard are encouraged to study them Whether the latest version of these files is available. The latest edition of any undated reference document applies to this standard. The terms in the following documents become terms of this international standard by reference. All subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions to dated references shall not apply to this standard. However, parties that have reached an agreement under this standard are encouraged to explore the possibility of using the latest versions of these documents. The latest edition of any undated reference document applies to this standard. GB / T 223. Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel, and alloy The diantipyrylmethane phosphate key acid gravimetric method for the determination of phosphorus content GB / T 223.4 Iron, steel and alloy determination of manganese content Potentiometric or visual titration method GB / T 223.11 Iron, Steel and alloy determination of chromium content Visual or potentiometric titration (GB / tT223.11-2008, ISO 4937:1986, MOD) GB/T 223. 18 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel, and alloy The sodium thiosulfate method for the determination of copper content GB/T 223.23 Iron, Steel, and alloys determination of nickel content Diketone fat spectrophotometry GB/T 223. 26 Iron, Steel and alloys determination of Molybdenum content The thiocyanate spectrophotometric method GB/T 223. 28 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel, and alloys α- Benzoin Oxime gravimetric method for the determination of Molybdenum content GB/T 223. 60 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel, and alloys Determination of silicon content by perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method GB/T 223. 63 Methods for chemical analysis of iron, steel, and alloys Spectrophotometric determination of manganese with sodium periodate (potassium) GB/T 223. 67 Iron, Steel and alloys Determination of sulfur content Methyl-blue spectrophotometry (GB/T 223. 67 2008, ISO 10701: 1994,IDT) GB/T 223.69 Iron, Steel and alloys Determination of carbon content Method of post-combustion gas volume in a tubular furnace GB/T 223.72 Determination of sulfur content Gravimetric Method GB/T 230. 1 Rockwell hardness test Part 1: Test Methods (A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T) scales GB/T 230. 2 Rockwell hardness test Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines (scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T),MOD] GB/T 230. 3 Rockwell hardness test Part 3: Calibration of reference blocks (scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G, H,K,N,T) ,MOD] GB/T 1348 Nodular iron castings GB/T 5611 Foundry term GB/T 5612 Description method of cast iron grade (GB/T 5612 2008.1SO/TR 15931 :2004,MOD) GB/T 7216 Metallographic examination of gray cast iron (GB/T 7216—2009, ISO 945-1:2008) Part l : Ciraphite classification by visual analysis.MOD) GB/T 8170 Rounding and the expression and determination of limit value GB/T 8263 Abrasion resistant white cast iron (GB/T 8263 1999.eqv ASTM A532/A532M:1993) GB/T 9441 Metallographic examination of ductile iron (GB/T 9441 -2009. ISO 945-1: 2008, Microstructure of cast irons Part 1: Graphite dassifieahun by visual analysis. MOD) GB/T 13298 Method for the examination of the microstructure of metals
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Star 86 18756355533
Address: Heli Industrial Zone, Ningguo City, Xuancheng, Anhui Province, China.
molding line
metal mold
heat treatment furnace
grinding media
Ball Production Ancillary Facility
Induction Furnace